Sunday, August 8, 2010

My First Blog

Ok so here it goes.My first blog.All the pro writers who will be reading this "hopefully", please pardon my style of writing. Its the work of an amateur who is trying to improve. So let's get to it.
Well, im going to write about the movies I watch and share the experience. Could not think of anything else so picked the topic. The movies that i watch are not the movies the average viewer watches. And there will be no reference regarding bollywood films as i have subzero knowledge about them.
The sort of movies that i like to watch depends on the mood, the plot and also the availability of the movies. In more cases than not its the latter. Anyways the most recent movie i happened to watch was - The deer hunter and this movie goes in the list where i cried or almost "shed" a tear. It truely was an awe inspiring, touching, oh my god! kinda movie. Well there have been many movies that fit in this category but the one that really made me cry was- The pursuit of happyness. I guess six out of the ten who watch this movie will cry. As for the rest, well, they aint human or the have a stonish heart.
What i look for in a movie is the plot. Definitely the plot. People may look for something else, for example, the direction, the cinematography, the editing etc etc. but as a plain, amateur movie buff (ironic) i do not understand much of what the editing and other technical things are carried out. For me and most of the viewers , "THAT" aspect of the movie is more or less same in all of them, unless and until you have a diploma (or a major interest) in editing, production and so on. The acting part is where many people and definitely me can have a say. You can easily make out whether the acting is good, bad or ugly. For example, take the movie "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" starring Jack Nickolson. He has provided us with a flawless role and made the simple, suttle movie one of the all time classics. Thats what we as the amateurish viewers look for.
People enjoy the movies which their genre of liking and cast. But as a word of advice- leave behind the genre of the movie, the cast, the director. If someone recommends a movie or be it you happen to across the Top 250 list on, give it a go. Thats how i come across all the great and briiliant movies that almost no one has heard of and they happen to take my word for it and give it try and come out stunned. Thats the beauty of it. Earlier, i used to think twice before watching any foreign film. But now, after watching a handful im totally convinced that they are worth a shot. They provide you with an altogether different feel, different drama, different anticipation than your average American flicks. The emotion brought out by the movies is truely worth noting. Seven Samurai, a Japanese movie, unheard of, is the best movie thats out there. Coupled with a simple story line and powerful yet unknown actors, this movie shows us what cinema can be and what cinema is " meant " to be. The thing about foreign movies is that they project something, something with the American industry can probably never come up with. Thats the beauty of it.
For me, a good movie is one that makes me go 'whoaaaaa' and 'awesome'. A bad one is the one where i leave it half way and never get back to it. " The Usual Suspects", "The Godfather" for example took my breath away while, heck, many movies sucked. I'm not gonna list my favourites as i hardly remember what are they as over a period of time i had the opportunity to watch really good movies. Movies that make you go - ' How can they come up with that ' ( Memento anyone ?) Many people are of the view that if they can't understand a movie then its not good. Well those are the one's that make you think about it. I recently read an article saying that Chris Nolan has earned so much out of 'inception' because of the fact that many viewers did not get the movie in the first attempt and had to re-watch it. It made me smile. It may be true. But there was nothing outstanding about the movie that people had to watch it again. But for movies like 'Memento' and 'Mulholland Dr.' you do need to watch it again.
Anyways, thats all for my first blog. Hope to write more soon. thanks for reading it.


  1. good one to start.......but inception part ain't true...its one of the greatest movie ever...and if u liked memento then inception was much better than it

  2. good stuff varun.. look forward to more posts n reccomendations...
